Psychedelic Preparation & Integration

If you are exploring the use of psychedelics for personal healing, I can help you prepare for as well as integrate your experiences. I began my work as a Psychedelic Integration Coach as a response to the growing need for support in preparing for and in the aftermath of ceremony work. I help you navigate the complexities of a successful life while incorporating plant medicines, including preparation, intention setting, ceremony guidance, and post-ceremony integration. I understand that plant medicine experiences can be deeply transformative and sometimes challenging, and I believe integration is a crucial part of the process.

I offer ongoing support to help you process and integrate your plant medicine experiences into your daily life. With over 20 years of experience as a transpersonal therapist and coach, I weave in tools to help you integrate the insights, lessons, and healing from your plant medicine experience. My plant medicine coaching and integrations sessions are designed for individuals who are seeking intentional and responsible use of plant medicines. My sessions will provide guidance and support along your journey.

Specialties & Areas of Focus

Plant Medicine/Psychedelic Preparation and Integration

Ceremony & Ritual

Spiritual/Existential Crisis